With extreme temperatures predicted for an extended period, please utilize these tips to help manage the temperature in your home:
AC Efficiency: It's normal for AC units to run 5-10 degrees above the set temperature during the afternoon. Don't be alarmed if your AC doesn't cool to normal temperatures at mid-day.
Adjust Gradually: Turning your AC all the way down won't cool your home faster. It can overheat the unit and cause it to stop working. Adjust the temperature by only 2-3 degrees at a time to avoid overworking the AC.
Clean Air Filters: If you are responsible for changing your air filters, check and change your air filters regularly and especially if they are dirty. Clean filters can significantly improve how your unit cools.
Close Curtains/Blinds: Keep curtains or blinds closed on windows that receive direct sunlight to reduce heat.
Unblock Vents: Ensure furniture is not blocking air vents to allow free airflow.
Expect Higher Bills: Expect higher electricity bills if your AC runs continuously.Hopefully, the heat will let up soon. In the meantime, these tips should help you manage extreme temperatures as best as possible.
Our maintenance team is always ready to assist you with any needs that may arise but hopefully by following these tips it will keep you running cool all summer! If you need us, contact at repairs@home-forward.com to schedule a service call today!